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  • Free synths? Yes please!
  • Native Instruments has a bundle of instruments to whet your whistle, as does Noise Engineering.
  • Newfangled Audio Pendulate, VITAL and DEXED will all keep you busy.
  • Or lose yourself in the modular depths of Cardinal.
  1. Introduction
  2. Noise Engineering Freequel Bundle
  3. Full Bucket Music FB-3300
  4. New Fangled Audio Pendulate
  5. Native Instruments Komplete Start
  6. U-He TyrellN6
  7. Vital Audio Vital
  8. DEXED
  9. DISTRHO Cardinal modular synth plugin

Free synths don't have to be rubbish. Check these out for some fabulous sounds for your projects that won't cost you a penny.

These synths are dripping with potential. They are a diverse collection of sound generators that take in classic synthesis methods, unexplored angles and modern capabilities. You won’t find any restrictions here or limitations on what you can creatively achieve. Of course, if you invest a bit of cash into software synths you can get more sounds, deeper synths and flashier interfaces but there’s plenty here to keep you busy. So keep your money and don’t let it be a barrier to your music production.

While we call these “VST Synths” they are often available in multiple plugin formats such as AU and AAX or can run standalone outside a DAW. Check the specs for the synths you’re interested in to ensure they’re compatible with what you’re running.

Here are the best VST synths you can get for free today:

  • Noise Engineering Freequel Bundle
  • Full Bucket Music FB-3300
  • Newfangled Audio Pendulate
  • Native Instruments Komplete Start
  • U-He Tyrell N6
  • Vital Audio VITAL
  • DEXED FM Powerhouse
  • DISTRHO Cardinal modular synth plugin

Noise Engineering Freequel Bundle

Noise Engineering make complex and fascinating Eurorack modules for hardware modular systems, but recently, they’ve been developing some extraordinary plugins. They are based on the algorithms found in their hardware modules and expanded to become more complete synths and effects.

The Freequel Bundle contains two extraordinary synthesizers and a mind-blowing distortion plugin. They have a unique look, vibe and sound like nothing else you’ve played with before.

The first is Sinc Vereor (don’t worry about the names; Noise Engineering loves strange Latin-based names for their stuff), based on their Sinc Iter module. It has 3 modes of sound generation from classic waveforms to noise for percussion and Super mode for six phase-offset oscillators. Then through a single Tone slider, you can fold and morph the waveforms in delicious ways.

The second is Virt Vereor which has three unique algorithms for Bass, Harmonics and Supersaw sound. Both synths have the “Vereor” dynamics sections which include an ADSR envelope, amplifier, multimode filter and vintage Chorus.

The distortion plugin is called Ruina and has multiple cascades of wavefolding, octavizing, phase shifting, saturation, filtering and an intriguing control called “DOOM” which makes everything sound awesome.

They have a simple and dazzling interface which is really responsive and easy to navigate and comes with a bunch of presets to show you what it can do.

Full Bucket Music FB-3300

The FB-3300 is based on an incredibly rare Korg polyphonic synthesizer from the 1970s. They only made about 50 in total and so finding a working example 50 years later is unlikely. However, Korg has recently announced that they are reissuing the original PS-3300 and so, at last, it will be a bit more generally available. However, a reissued PS-3300 will cost you many thousands of dollars. The Full Bucket Music FB-3300 will set you back precisely zero dollars.

The FB-330 emulates the look and behaviour of the PS-3300 as closely as possible. The synthesizer is built from three blocks, giving three layers of synthesis that you can layer up for enormous sounds. Each block has it’s own filters and modulation sections and can act independently. It’s semi-modular and so can be run without patching and you can save presets.

It was a quite unique synthesizer at the time having full polyphony so that every note could sound simultaneously. It also had per-note tuning for some interesting microtonal possibilities. T the end of the chain is a signal mixer, Sample & Hold circuit, limiter processors and modulation.

The PS-3300 was an extraordinary synthesizer that’s both complex and beautiful. The FB-3300 will give you hours of synthesis pleasure in the exploration of classic analogue sounds.

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New Fangled Audio Pendulate

Pendulate from Newfangled Audio loves to explore the more esoteric side of synthesis combining East and West coast forms in a zany mix of fascinating waveforms.

Pendulate feels a bit random but it harnesses a double pendulum oscillator to push anarchy into a wavefolder and through a low pass gate while being modulated and moved by the powerful modulation engine. It seems to switch effortlessly from chaos to sweetness, from self-oscillation to self-awareness and is far too much fun to play with.

The interface is a bit alarming and unexpected at first but somehow the way the display bleeds through the interface neatly sums up the disorder and fearlessness of this synthesizer.

Pendulate would be great as a premium instrument, but it’s awesome for free. And if you really like it then you can upgrade to Generate, which unleashes 5 times the madness.

Native Instruments Komplete Start

While this has far more inside it than just synths the Komplete Start bundle is something everyone needs to have and within this bucket of effects, instruments and sound generators you’ll find a handful of sweet synths that’ll find a place in your pile of favorites.

There’s the TRk-01 Bass that will rattle your windows, Mikro Prism for sci-fi effects, Lazerbass for cutting mono sounds, Carbon 2 for all your synth sounds, Space Drone that you can listen to for hours evolving into sounds of the cosmos and Newscool that nobody knows how to use or why it does what it does but it’s an enjoyable place to play.

Alongside is an introduction to modular synthesis and the Blocks system found in Reaktor 6. Blocks Base gives you 24 patchable blocks and over 30 inspirational rack to explore the very nature of synthesis.

These synths are all fabulous and we’ve not even mentioned the GigaBytes of sampled instruments and fascinating effects also included and there are upgrade paths to so much more when you have money to spend.

U-He TyrellN6

A powerful little synth that emulates the hardware experience and analog sound that we all find so familiar and perfect for every occasion.

You’ll find a classic synth layout with 2 oscillators, noise and a ring modulator. You have a twin filter section with multimodes and lots of resonance. Modulation is provided by a pair of LFOs with 8 waveforms plus loopable ADSR envelopes. At the end of the chain is a lovely vintage chorus.

TyrellN6 has it all in the right places like a classic sports car and comes with 580 presets for a journey through synthesizer history. It looks great and the GUI is even skinable to look exactly how you want it.

Vital Audio Vital

Vital is a fantastic wavetable synthesizer that can warp waveforms in all sorts of interesting and unexpected waves. Wavetables need movement and Vital has that in abundance.

The free version comes with 75 presets and 25 wavetables which is more than enough to get you started but if you want to expand the possibilities then there are upgrade routes to pack it full of further adventures. But as standard you get great filters, modulations and effects that are of the same premium quality whether you spend money or not.

What’s really great about Vital is how you can reshape the waveforms, generate harmonics and push in modulations. All the while the interface is visually reflecting what’s going on and it seems to come alive with flowing signal and responsive movement.

Vital looks and sounds awesome, it’s enjoyable, intuitive and you’ll never feel like it’s a cheap or limited version.


Dexed has been around for along time but it’s still the most comprehensive and free emulation of the classic Yamaha DX7 FM synth you’re ever likely to find. It’s so good that you can actually use it as an editor/librarian for the DX7 itself.

It has a slightly imposing from panel but what they’ve done is to pull out all the parameters from each of the 6 operators to give you an overview of exactly what’s going on behind the scenes. In all there are 144 automatable parameters available on that front panel and you can see exactly which ones are active and which algorithms are being used to configure the flow of audio and modulation between the operators.

FM synthesis can be complex but Dexed does a great job of making it accessible and if nothing else you can enjoy playing with the genuine and authentic DX7 presets. They also built in a filter which wasn’t a feature of the original synth but it does give you an extra way of sculpting tones.

DISTRHO Cardinal modular synth plugin

Have you ever wanted to explore the soundscapes of modular synthesis? You can with Cardinal. Cardinal is an open-source modular synthesizer plugin based on the popular VCV Rack. The current free version of VCV Rack is excellent but can’t be used as a VST plugin. For that, you have to pay for the “Pro” version. Cardinal aims to offer the same modular experience within your DAW as a plugin, completely free.

Cardinal comes with a whole bunch of modular synthesis modules to enable you to start exploring modular sounds. You patch them together on screen just like you would with a hardware Eurorack modular system. It expects you to get involved in signal flows and control voltage through experimentation and knowledge. It can be quite a learning curve if you’re new to synthesis, but the possibilities are endless. You can build huge basslines, massive sequenced adventures, bings, bots and boings, probability-based musical happenings, and so much more.

Coming from the open source website Github it can look a bit daunting to the uninitiated. All you have to do is follow the links to the “Releases” and then download the installer for macOS or Windows. You’ll also find a list of modules and some basic patching ideas in the Github resource.

The video (above) from Venus Theory is a great way to introduce yourself to what Cardinal can offer you.

Cardinal on Github.

Make sure to take a look at our comprehensive guides on the best polythyntbest free drum VST and guitar VSTs.