Music Career Finder

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Music Journalism Careers

Music Journalists always have the scoop. Learn how to build a career interviewing bands, breaking news stories, and reviewing albums.
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Music Journalist writing a story on her desktop computer

Music Journalist

Music Journalists write music criticism and music news for print, online, and broadcast media. Learn More Avg. Salary: $40,662 Salary Range: $26K-$76K Alt Titles: Writer, Journalist, Reporter, Music Critic
Music Historian doing research on a laptop in the library

Music Historian

Music Historians research and write about musicians, instruments and musical genres in historical context. Learn More Avg. Salary: $52,471 Salary Range: $40K-$91K Alt Titles: Musicologist, Historian
Music Critic working outdoors on his laptop

Music Critic

Music Critics interview Musicians and review live performances and recorded albums for print or online media outlets. Learn More Avg. Salary: $52,608 Salary Range: $10K-$221K Alt Titles: Music Writer
Female music photographer taking shots at a festival

Music Photographer

A Music Photographer shoots live concerts, musician portraits and band promo photos. Learn More Avg. Salary: $44,452 Salary Range: $12K-$105K Alt Titles: Concert Photographer, House Photographer, Photographer
Music Blogger typing on her laptop

Music Blogger

A Music Blogger writes breaking music news stories to be posted on an online music blog. Learn More Avg. Salary: $32,802 Salary Range: $17K-$56K Alt Titles: Music Writer, Music Reporter, Contributor, Staff Writer