Many young people assume they will get into a college, complete their degree, and automatically be granted a job. That’s a nice thought, and it may be how things worked at one point, but it’s simply no longer the case, trust me.
Personally, I thought just because I finished college and did well, I’d be the kind of candidate every job would be interested in, but sadly, that wasn’t how things turned out. (I try to impart the wisdom I gained through this experience to younger crowds anytime I can.) Of course, it’s even more imperative to take an entrepreneurial approach when you’re pursuing a career in the arts.
I’m not suggesting nobody needs college degrees anymore. In fact, it’s the opposite. The education, experience, and connections you’ll receive from your time at a respected school is wonderful and invaluable (you’ll disagree when you start paying off student loans in a few years), but it isn’t everything.
You need to be focused simultaneously on your studies and on building your brand and your career. Don’t stop posting music or keeping your image tightly controlled on social platforms just because you’re busy in class! You never know when something will hit and your moment will arrive, and there are many examples of artists leaving their studies to pursue a career and it working out.
There are some acts on that are already heading out on tours in major cities and making serious money based solely off of their fan base on the site, so while it might not immediately seem like something that can translate to an actual career, there are some performers who are already making it work.
These are still early days for artists blowing up on and being able to make money off of their popularity, but it’s better to get in when these things are on the rise than when there are too many superstars and it’s near impossible to stand out. Don’t wait to begin creating the career you’ve always dreamed of!